Too good to #0011

Mozilla Firefox APT special

The Mozilla Firefox APT repository is incompatible with legacy apt-mirror. Here’s how I install apt-mirror2 as a dedicated python-virtualenv

# apt-get install virtualenv
# virtualenv --no-setuptools /usr/local/apt-mirror2/
# /usr/local/apt-mirror2/bin/pip3 install -U apt-mirror
# /usr/local/apt-mirror2/bin/apt-mirror --help
  • Repeat as-is to update.
  • Here’s the bug that neccessitates the --no-setuptools option: “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘debian'”

mirror.list entry for the Mozilla Firefox APT repository:

deb-all [signed-by=/path/to/packages-mozilla-org.gpg] mozilla main
deb-amd64 [signed-by=/path/to/packages-mozilla-org.gpg] mozilla main

How to convert Mozilla’s sloppy ASCII-armored PGP key:

$ curl -s -O
$ file repo-signing-key.gpg
repo-signing-key.gpg: PGP public key block Secret-Key
$ mv repo-signing-key.gpg repo-signing-key
$ gpg --dearmor repo-signing-key
$ file repo-signing-key.gpg
repo-signing-key.gpg: OpenPGP Public Key Version 4, Created Tue May 4 21:08:03 2021, RSA (Encrypt or Sign, 2048 bits); User ID; Signature; OpenPGP Certificate